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Pakistan sends Cubesat to lunar orbit with China’s assistance

Zhang Kejian, the director of the China National Space Administration, presented the data package to Khalil-ur-Rahman Hashmi, the Pakistani Ambassador to China, signaling a deepened cooperative effort in space technology between the two nations.

The ICUBE-Q satellite, a joint project between Pakistan’s Institute of Space Technology and China’s Shanghai Jiao Tong University, was among the four international payloads aboard the Chang’e-6 lunar probe, which launched on May 3. After separating from the Chang’e-6 orbiter on May 8, ICUBE-Q began its mission, which includes capturing lunar images.

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The ICUBE-Q satellite, a joint project between Pakistan’s Institute of Space Technology and China’s Shanghai Jiao Tong University, was among the four international payloads aboard the Chang’e-6 lunar probe, which launched on May 3. After separating from the Chang’e-6 orbiter on May 8, ICUBE-Q began its mission, which includes capturing lunar images.

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Mars News and Information at MarsDaily.comLunar Dreams and more

Related Links
Mars News and Information at MarsDaily.comLunar Dreams and more