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National Space Technology Priorities – NASA

NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) leads the development, demonstration, and infusion of transformational technologies that enhance NASA’s efforts to explore the unknown in space, benefit life on Earth, and solve critical stakeholder needs. STMD is refining its strategy for prioritizing technology investments, with the goal of evolving into a stronger and more resilient national tech base for civil space.

In spring 2024, STMD kicked off an annual process for gathering feedback from the American aerospace community about their most pressing shortfalls, or identified technology areas requiring further development to meet future exploration, science, and other mission needs. The shortfall feedback will help produce an integrated list of prioritized civil space shortfalls, which will help guide STMD projects and investments.

Through this prioritization effort, STMD will improve its ability to advance U.S. competitiveness, drive economic growth, and foster diverse talent to solve our nation’s toughest technology challenges.

NASA is asking the American aerospace community for feedback on nearly 190 national technology needs – or shortfalls – it has identified for future space exploration and science endeavors.

Businesses, organizations, agencies, academic institutions, and individuals with a stake in space technology can review the shortfall list and descriptions today and give feedback starting April 16.

The NASA workforce can submit feedback on the shortfalls via the NASA Spark platform.

NASA hosted an informational webinar about the shortfall strategy, process, and feedback opportunity on Wednesday, April 17, 2024, at 4 p.m. EDT. You can view a video recording of this webinar here.

When the inaugural feedback window closes, NASA will process the data to aggregate a prioritized shortfall list. NASA will make the final list available to stakeholders and the public this summer.

STMD has identified an initial list of 187 technology shortfalls. For purposes of this process, a shortfall is defined as an identified technology area requiring further development to meet future exploration, science, and other mission needs. Learn more about the shortfalls before submitting feedback about which are most critical for future civil space missions.

On April 23, NASA Associate Administrator for Space Technology Spuds Vogel overviewed his vision for the future of the civil space tech base at the Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium spring meeting. The recorded keynote starts at 42:30.

Space Technology Mission Directorate. Technology drives exploration and the space economy.

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NASA explores the unknown in air and space, innovates for the benefit of humanity, and inspires the world through discovery.